Service Times


Hours: 9:00 AM
Divine Liturgy: 9:30AM


Great Vespers: 5:30 PM


Prayers for Rain: 6:00 AM

Feast Days

Divine Liturgy: 8:00 AM


St. Mary's Cemeteries

St. Mary’s Holy Dormition Orthodox Church owns two cemeteries.

St. Mary’s Cemetery ~ sits on the east side of Calhan Hwy

St. Michael’s Cemetery ~ sits on the west side of Calhan Hwy
No changes to the cemetery ground may be made without permission of the Parish Council.

Cemetery Policies

Use of these cemeteries is reserved for Orthodox Christians only. St. Mary’s only allows the reservation of individual plots or plots for husbands and wives. In the past individual plots were available to be reserved but due to lack of space and other canonical concerns, the church has been forced to discontinue this practice.
Plots may not be sold, given, transferred, or any of the like. If not used by the individual with cemetery rights, the plot will be relinquished back to the church. Any changes to the plot must be brought forward to the Parish Council for approval.
Non-members who are not Orthodox, but are spouses of eligible members are allowed to be buried in the cemetery.
Orthodox Christians who are not members of St. Mary’s Dormition Orthodox Church may be buried at the cemeteries only with the approval of the rector and Parish Council.