Schedule of Services
Services are in English unless specifically noted.
Divine Liturgy:
Hours 9:00 am
Sunday Liturgy 9:30 am
Great Vespers:
Saturday Evening 5:00 pm
Confessions follow every evening service and by appointment.
6:00 pm Great Vespers and Litiya on eve of Feast
8:00 am Liturgy on Feastday
Special services as noted in our website monthly calendar above.
Great Lent:
Wednesday: Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, 6:00 pm
Other services per schedule:
Baptisms are scheduled with the parish office.
Weddings are generally to be held on Sunday afternoons on designated times in the year. Please contact the parish office for more information. It is asked that weddings be arranged with the parish office prior to any definite plans being set.
Confessions are available after each evening service and by appointment.
Panikhida (memorials) are to be scheduled with the parish office.
Other sacraments or visitations to be scheduled with the parish office.
Other regularly scheduled events:
Church School classes meet following every Sunday liturgy at 11:00 am from the second Sunday in September until Pascha. Changes as announced.
Parish council normally meets on the second Sunday of the month after Coffee Hour
Choir Rehearsal is scheduled as meets the needs of the choir.
Adult Faith Forum are on Sundays before Liturgy at 9:00 am